Amazing Fudgy Vegan Double Carob Cookies

The first time I heard of Carob was 3 years ago when I met my boyfriend and he baked these Spanish style carob ‘galletas’ with olive oil, where he actually roasted the carob pods himself and grounded it to an usable flour. Since then I was always keen to experiment with carob flour as a substitute for cocoa powder, but it just never really happened. But this week was the week! I got some carob flour at the Goodfor refillery, just loving these plastic free pantry shops, and made a plan to make these vegan double carob cookies.

You can also just make carob cookies, without the carob chunks, but hey that wouldn’t be as much fun. I mean when I make my first recipe using carob powder I want to go full in. So yeah double carob cookies. This recipe also uses coconut oil, which makes these cookies totally vegan. That there is no butter in this recipe, doesn’t mean that these cookies aren’t fudgy, I think these might be one of the best cookies I have ever made, vegan or not. They are SUPER fudgy. So no complaints here.

So yeah, let’s bake this shall we.


So for 12-13 big cookies you will need:

  • 225 g | 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 25 g | 1/4 cup carob powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 100 g | 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 100 g | 1/2 cup raw sugar (or just use granulated white sugar)
  • 120 g | 3/4 cup carob chips/buttons or just roughly chop up a carob bar (I prefer this method to chips because it gives a more authentic look in my opinion)
  • 60 ml | 1/4 cup of rice milk or any other plant-based milk
  • 110 g | 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


  • Start by preheating your oven to 180°C  or 356°F and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Dry ingredients: in a medium bowl add your flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and the carob powder. Give this a mix with a whisk.
  • Wet ingredients: in a larger bowl combine the sugars and mix in the melted coconut oil, your choice of plant-based milk and the vanilla essence.
  • MIX: add your dry ingredients to your wet ingredients and combine to a cookie dough with a silicone spatula. Don’t overwork it!
  • Get an ice cream scoop or cookie scoop and make your dough into 12-13 2-inch balls. Place them on your lined baking sheet with a few inches of space inbetween and put them in your fridge for 30 minutes (You can do this up until 24 hours)
  • Baking time! Bake for 14-17 minutes, or until you smell them. When they still look very tall when you take them out from the oven, carefully push them a little bit flatter with a spatula (don’t say I said this). Let them cool down on a wire rack and enjoy.

Enjoy your freshly baked VEGAN double carob cookies!

Also enjoy these other cookies from Spanish origin: tortas de aceite!