Blueberry Almond Bars

Blueberry Almond Bars

You can’t make me happier than with some super fresh fruit, in particular blueberries. That makes these blueberry almond bars perfect. I just love to use these in almost everything: shakes, breakfast, pancakes, pies, bars, salads, my dinner… yes dinner. If I have the chance to throw them in, then I will. That is why I also always have an extra kilo bag of frozen blueberries in the fridge, just for emergencies.

That is why this recipe is one of my favourites. It is made with main ingredients I always have in my pantry; flour, oats, yoghurt and blueberries. These bars are just amazing to go with your late summer tea party. Nice and fresh because of the yoghurt and lemon, with a nice rich crust layer. Not to mention the nice burst of flavour when you bite in a blueberry.

When I made these the last time, they only lasted 2 days because my I was constantly cutting small pieces of them to snack on… I just can’t resist the temptations. I hear people say you don’t feel like eating when you are cooking or baking yourself, but I think that is a big fat lie. Now let’s get baking!

Blueberry Almond Bars


Servings: 16 middle sized or 12 large bars

For the crust you will need:

  • 128 | 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 112g | 1 1/4 cups of rolled oats
  • 100g | 1/2 cup white or raw sugar
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • Fresh juice and zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • 10 tbsp salted butter, first melted and then cooled down

For the filling you will need:

  • 245g | 1 cup vanilla or plain yoghurt, you can also use a thick greek yoghurt for a more cheesecake like effect.
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 50g | 1/4 cup white or raw sugar
  • 200g | 2 cups fresh are the best, however frozen blueberries are also totally fine
  • Fresh juice and zest of 1 1/2 a lemon
  • 70g | 1/2 cup chopped almond


  • First thing to do is pre-heat your oven to 170°C  or 340°F.
  • Crust layer: Mix Together the flour, oats, sugar, salt and soda together in a bowl. Add the melted butter, lemon juice and zest and make into a crumbly dough that comes together in a nice firm ball, but isn’t sticky. Spread this in a 9 x 13inch pan, which is lined with a baking sheet. Press it down with a spoon or your hands until it is an even layer.
  • Top layer: Mix your eggs and sugar in another bowl and add the yoghurt, vanilla extract, flour and the lemon zest and juice. Pour this mixture on top of the first layer of your bars. Give it a tap on the counter to let the air bubbles escape and make sure you spread it to all the corners.
  • Sprinkle: Now distribute your thawed or fresh blueberries and chopped almonds evenly on top of this layer.
  • Bake: You can now put it in the middle of your oven for 35 to 40 minutes, then let it cool down 30 minutes before you slice it.


If you are looking for more freshness, try these lemon poppy bites, which have that sweetness, even without the refined sugars!