Garlic Naan Bread

I loooove some good old garlic naan bread. You can eat it with anything, but I think I enjoy it the most with a nice curry or a creamy soup to dip it in. I think a lot of people are a little bit intimidated when I mention that I am making my own bread, but it is just so easy, most of the time you aren’t really doing anything when you are making bread, it is just waiting really.

Waiting until that nice fluffy and crispy bread comes out of your oven or pan. Whenever I make bread, the aromas are filling up the house and everyone is just waiting to finally get a bite.

This Garlic Naan Bread recipe is one of my favorite to goes when I decide the day before I am making a soup or curry. Most of the time I have everything in my pantry and I just need to make a little bit of time in my morning to prepare the dough. And then in the evening we can feast on this delicious naan. Sometimes I forget that there is a meal that comes with it, and I just go full on the naan. Then I am a little bit sad afterwards that I have to enjoy that curry without the naan… so it is always good to make some more!


For the garlic naan bread you will need:

  • 272 g | 2 cups bread flour
  • 118 ml | 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 tbsp or 1 package active dried yeast
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp sweetener like white sugar , cane sugar or honey
  • 60 g | 1/4 cup plain yoghurt or your favorite dairy-free yoghurt

For some amazing garlic butter you will need:

  • 55 g | 1/4 cup butter or olive oil if you are vegan or just prefer that like me
  • 3 cloves of garlic ( I really like garlic so I use 4)
  • You would also like some coarse sea salt or cilanto to sprinkle on top of your naans


  • Prepare yeast: You can warm your water in the microwave for 15 seconds on medium heat, you don’t want your water too warm or it will kill the yeast (I you have a thermometer: you are aiming for 110 degrees). When it is warm you can add the sugar and the yeast and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Garlic butter: In the meanwhile you can make your garlic butter. Heat you butter over medium heat until melted, when it is sizzling you can add the chopped garlic and immediately remove the pan from the heat. When you are using olive oil you want to heat it on low heat and add the garlic for a few minutes before removing from the heat. You can set it aside until ready to use.
  • Mix & Rise: Now add the yeast mixture in a large bowl and add the flour, salt and yoghurt. You can best stir this with a wooden spoon until a sticky dough forms. Now you can knead it by hand until it pulls from the sides. Add some water or flour when needed. Knead it for an extra 2 or 3 minutes on your counter until a smooth ball of dough forms. Place the dough in a bowl and coat it with a teaspoon of your garlic butter. Let rise for 2 hours or until doubled in size.

*watching some cooking and baking show*

  • Knead & Rise: Now punch that dough and divide it on your counter in 6 even pieces. Make every piece into a ball, dust it with some flour and let them rise for another 20 minutes on a plate covered in plastic wrap.
  • Roll out: Roll each ball out very thinly, 1/8 of an inch or 3 mm. You can make them round or in an oval.
  • Cook: Preheat you pan (preferable a cast iron skillet, but a normal one will do). You want to make sure it is very hot. Now cook each naan for 1 to 2 minutes each side. When you flip them, make sure you press them gently so the bubbles on the other side get charred.
  • Serve: now enjoy them with a generous amount of garlicy butter, some sea salt and some fresh cilantro if you like!


If you want to go for something sweet as a dessert; try these light blueberry almond bars