Lemon Poppy Date Bites

Lemon Poppy Bites

Sometimes you are just craving for a snack, or something sweet, but the good thing is that you can have that with these lemon poppy bites without the refined sugar. These are a great option to answer those cravings! Dates are actually one of my favorite snacks when I feel like something sweet, just to distract me from grabbing the chocolate bars that are hidden by my boyfriend…

I love to use dates in my recipes as a replacement for refined sugars, but to just give you enough sweetness and caramel like notes to make you content. And believe me these small bites are full of flavour to make you more than just content. You feel like you are are eating something that shouldn’t be healthy, but these bites are actually, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and fully naturally sweetened. So enjoy them without the guilt!


This recipe will make aproximately 20 lemon poppy bites.

For the date mixture you will need:

  • 175g | 1 cup of pitted dates
  • 140g | 1 cup of almonds
  • 64g | 1/2 cup of coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp of black poppy seeds
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon (leave 1 tbsp of the juice for the glaze)

You can eat them without, but I would recommend this lemony glaze to dip them in:

  • 4 tbsp date or maple syrup (or any other liquid sweetener; honey would also be good)
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice


  • Soak: The first thing is to let your dates soak in some hot water for 10 minutes. This is to soften them up, so your food processor doesn’t struggle as much. (or your knife, if you have to live without a food processor for a moment like me. Yes I cry everytime).
  • Flour mixture: During that time, you can toss the almonds and coconut flour in your food processor. Blend this until a coarse flour forms. This will only take half a minute.
  • Mix: Now drain your dates and also put them in the food processor together with the lemon juice, zest, vanilla extract and poppy seeds. This mixture will be very sticky. If it is too wet, add some more coconut flour, if it is to dry add some lemon juice, or a liquid natural sweetener if you would like.
  • Form balls: Now scoop a heaping teaspoon of the mixture and roll this into a ball. You can put these on a plate and put them in the fridge for some time to harden up a little bit before you eat them or dip them in the glaze.
  • Glaze: For the glaze you mix the date or maple syrup with the lemon juice. When serving dip the bites in your glaze.



Feeling for something more savoury? Then you can most definetely enjoy this garlic naan bread!