Amazing Oat Cookies with Sesame & Red Cherry

Its cookie time! Time for these oat cookies with sesame & cherry to be precise. Sometimes you just feel like having some cookies. It has been hard the past few weeks to get some baking in because me and my partner started watching our diets again, which means I am baking less often and smaller portions. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some great cookies. And I was just thinking oats aren’t that bad right? Those are quite healthy with the sesame seeds and dried cherries. And just let me ignore the fact that there goes butter and sugar in these cookies. I am just not a big fan of those “healthy” baking recipes, I am not saying you can’t make delicious cookies without the butter and sugar, I am just saying that to me some homemade baked goods definitely can fit in a healthy and balanced diet.

So yeah let’s get to these amazing and nutty oat cookies. I just wanted to try some different flavours than I am used to and always loved black sesame in sweets. The best Ice cream I have ever eaten might have been my home made black sesame flavoured ice cream. I just love it and wanted to combine it with some fruit, originally I was going for some dried strawberries but I couldn’t find these at the moment so went for these dried red cherries found in my local refillery store Good For.

So let’s get to these cookies shall we?


to make 12 to 14 oat cookies you will need:

  • 120 g | 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 120 g | 1 1/2 cup oats, don’t use quick oats, I used wholegrain oats
  • 115 g | 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 egg, room temperature
  • 100 g | 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 50 g | 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp chinese five spice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 80 g | 1/2 cup dried cherries, also works with sultanas or cranberries
  • 35 g | 1/4 cup black sesame seeds


  • In a mixing bowl add the flour, baking soda, salt and chinese five spice and give it a quick mix. Mix in your oats and set aside.
  • In another large bowl add your sugars and butter and beat for 1 to 2 minutes until fluffy and lighter in colour. Add in your egg and vanilla essence and mix until incorporated.
  • Mix in your dry ingredients in your wet ingredients and add in the cherries and black sesame seeds. Cover the bowl and let your dough chill in your fridge for 30 minutes. Heat your oven to 180°C or 360ºF when you are letting your dough chill.
  • get out an ice cream scoop and your chilled dough and lets make some cookies. Scoop with your ice cream scoop or go for like a heaped tablespoon of dough and put them on a lined baking sheet. let some room in between the cookies, like 8 cm. I had to to 2 batches of 8 cookies on each tray. Now bake them in your oven for 12 minutes or until the edges look very golden brown. let them on the tray for 5 minutes and then transfer them to a wire rack and let them cool down further. And then enjoy your oat cookies with sesame and cherry with a nice cuppa tea!

You can also try these peanut butter & cherry cookies or these delicious amaretti cookies! Let me know and tag me on instagram if you made these!